Saturday, August 26, 2006

Behind the Violence: Everyday Life in Iraq

So much has been in the news lately about Lebanon, American misdeeds in Iraq, Democrats calling for American withdrawal, and terror attacks from Sunni and Shia alike, that we scarcely hear what's going on in everyday Iraq.

Iraqi Colonel Tries Diplomacy

Iraqi Colonel Talib Abdul Razzaq of the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 6th Division is having remarkable success in his sector of Baghdad by engaging the people not with weapons, but with conversation. Read More...

"Struggle for the Sunni Triangle"

Almost all American troop deaths in the last year have been in the provinces of Baghdad and Anbar. Nouri al Maliki's plan is to turn complete control of the other 16 provinces to Iraqi forces by the end of this year. In another year, the goal is to turn the last two provinces over to Iraqi forces as well. Read More...

Security Operation Seemingly Successful

While a few are claiming that if the United States would leave Iraq that the violence will go down, the recent increase in security operations in Baghdad seems to prove the opposite. Deaths and violence are down, to the dismay of liberals everywhere. Read More...

But Everyday Corruption Still Rampant

Inflation is up, the cost of living is up, and the standard of living is way down, chiefly due to the inability of Iraqis to be honest and fair with each other. Read More...

Everyone Suffered Because of Saddam

There are miliions of pages of documents and perhaps millions of people as well that testify to Saddam's murderous reign. But most feel that his trial must take its course and that the rule of law must run its course. Read More...

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